Let go and breathe in the real you

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6y ago
The Shortcut to Happiness

Is there a shortcut or some rapid path to happiness? Here's a beautiful story to make you think...

10y ago
Betrayal of Trust

A true guru's presence is like the soft stream that gently sculpts the disciple, chiseling the rock of their hardened tendencies. Steadily.

13y ago
Four Pillars of Love

The plane of love flies on four engines: mutual care and respect, dependability, trust, and sacrifice.

13y ago
Why do People Lie?

People may lie 1. to hide information, 2. as a matter of habit, or 3. to gain attention.

13y ago
Why do People Cheat?

The wild one hunts because 1. it can, 2. it is hungry and 3. it is innate in him. 

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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